MOGOing Around Portland: Transition PDX

If you’re concerned about issues such as peak oil, water and food shortages, the global climate crisis and other systems whose decline will have a major impact on humanity’s way of life, you might be interested in knowing about Transition PDX, which is an initiative beginning here in the Portland area to help move our community “from oil dependency to local resilience.”

A group of people have begun meeting to explore ways of informing and positively affecting the community regarding the transition town concept, as well as developing a vision of what a transition community would look like and how it might function.

The Transition towns movement was developed by Rob Hopkins as a response to the need for a new way of thinking and living beyond our oil-based culture. There’s a book, a downloadable primer, a wiki, and a couple of websites, as well as transition groups that are being established around the U.S. and the UK.

I found out from an acquaintance that there’s a “Social Change Forum” meeting at People’s Co-op (3029 SE 21st ) this Wednesday, October 29 at 7 pm. I’m not sure if it’s related to the Transition PDX project or not, but some of the goals seem similar.

If you’re especially interested in issues surrounding peak oil, there’s also a Portland Peak Oil group that meets regularly.

~ Marsha