Going Vegan with Oprah? Get Podcast Support

Vegan.com's Oprah Challenge LogoErik Marcus, vegan author advocate, blogger and podcaster has been creating a podcast to accompany each day of Oprah’s 21-day cleanse. If you’re joining Oprah on her journey — or you just like to pick up good vegan tips when you can, drop by Erik’s “Oprah’s 21-Day Vegan Challenge Support Page” and enjoy his mini-podcasts (usually less than 10 minutes) on topics like identifying essential cookbooks, setting goals, paying attention to good nutrition, and tips for increasing your produce intake.

Check out his blog to get a summary of each podcast, as well as to keep updated on vegan-related news, issues and tasty recipes.

There are other great podcasts out there, too, that can help support your veg lifestyle. I’ll just mention one other: Colleen Patrick Goudreau’s Vegetarian Food for Thought.

~ Marsha

Get Plugged Into GreenFestival Radio

Green Festival ReadioLast month Seattle had its first GreenFestival, part of the series of festivals sponsored by Co-op America and Global Exchange. I was fortunate to be able to attend, as I was tabling for my employer, the Institute for Humane Education. And it was a stupendous event. Of course, my favorite part was the Temptation vegan fair-trade ice cream (which isn’t yet available here on the West coast! Santa, are you listening?!) But, the exhibitors, speakers and other events were also enjoyable. If you weren’t able to make it but still enjoy listening to the heavy hitters in the environmental and social justice movements wax poetic (or technologic or utopic or just plan matter-of-fact), then check out GreenFestival Radio. Just click on the “launch greenfestival radio” button, and then choose Seattle 2008. Then you can choose from the speakers who were on the mainstage, or one of the other venues. Listen to Jim Hightower, Amory Lovins, Thom Hartmann, Frances Moore Lappe, Amy Goodman, and a slew of other terrific speakers. You can also hear speakers from past years’ GreenFests.

Next time you need a little boost and you’re working away at your computer (which seems to be what the vast majority of my life now consists of :)), click on over and listen to GreenFestival Radio.

~ Marsha