40 Steps on the Personal Path to Green

This is totally cheating, but I’ve been short on posting time this week (and still am today), so I’m going to share No Impact Man’s terrific 40 steps on the personal path to green. Some of my favorites:

#3. Buy fewer things. Don´t buy on impulse. Ask yourself if the thing you’re buying is something that you really need.

#5. Eat less meat

#6. Get your fingers dirty by growing your own food–even if it is just some basil on your windowsill–is the quickest way change your thought patterns about other green issues.

#11. Walk more, and walk *to* places. Ideally, walk to the grocery store.

#15. Start with one or two things (take the bus one day a week, use cloth bags, etc) and make it a habit. Then move on to another and another.

#26. Be mindful of how your actions affect others. Everything else stems from mindfulness.

What are your favorites?

~ Marsha

2 Responses

  1. I love #6 even though I am horrible at gardening. Today I noticed peppers starting to grow on my plant. So exciting! I told myself I was not going to kill it and now it is rewarding me.

    I especially like #34, spend more time in nature. I think this helps remind us why it is so important to live green and it also feeds the soul.

  2. Thanks for your comment, Chelsea. I’m hoping to start a garden next spring; I’ll have to see if my black thumbs will turn green at all.

    I know I feel calmer every time I step into a nature park or natural area.

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