MOGO WebSpotlight: SustainLane (Portland Ranks #1st in 2008 City Rankings!)

Once again Portland has taken home the coveted #1 spot for SustainLane’s “2008 U.S. City Rankings” of the most sustainable large cities. SustainLane uses 16 benchmarks to rate cities, from air and water quality, to transportation, to green building and land use, to waste management and agriculture.

After Portland comes San Francisco, Seattle, Chicago, NYC, Boston, Minneapolis, Philly, Oakland, and Baltimore, to round out the top 10. At the very bottom of the 50 were Mesa, AZ, and Tulsa and Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

In addition to finding out city rankings, you can also find out detailed information about the categories, as well as features and stories about what cities around the country are doing to become more sustainable.

SustainLane has several other tasty tidbits. It has a “community-powered directory of green products and businesses.” You can find reviews of (as well as listings for) products, local businesses and online businesses. You can become a member (for free), and post your own reviews, which opens up a great opportunity to share and promote humane products and businesses that others might not know about.

There are also how-tos, news, discussions and local listings for selected cities, all focused on products, services and businesses that offer a greener tint to your life, as well as ways to share your own two cents through blogs, recipes, commentary or other sources.

~ Marsha

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